[Premiile FIBRA #1] Bronze FIBRA - Argo - Doamne Fereste / Doamne Fereste / Argo Strategy

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Bronze FIBRA - Argo - Doamne Fereste / Doamne Fereste / Argo Strategy

​One of the ten commandments of "Doamne Fereste" talks about how boredom can never find its way into our lives, for boredom is the opposite of happiness and one cannot enjoy life without a little spiciness.

Until Doamne Fereste became the first fusion spicy sauce in Romania, there wasn't much competition regarding this market section, for its combination of flavours came not from studying the market itself but from observing what was missing from the picture. Doamne Fereste and its products are the result of the right amount of culinary education gathered from many parts of this world and put together with a lot of passion for great taste and visual communication.

What people saw in this brand and its products was a lot of courage, originality and dark but somehow smart sense of humor, along with the fact that the products are made with great dedication, testing and "homemade" feeling, one that the Romanian audience always appreciates. The context prior to our product was a tedious one, but now we have created a precedent, one that will create a competitive environment and delicious family meals.


Campaign Summary

In Romania, there hasn't been a brand that focused on spiciness until now, neither in its product, nor in its advertising techniques. The subject addressed by this product has a lot to do with courage and freedom of expression for even the brand name, Doamne Fereste, translated in common Romanian language, speaks about God's name in a way that doesn't praise it. Doamne Fereste is an idiom, very descriptive for the product's taste, which is extremely spicy.

It can also refer to a saying people use when they are amazed beyond their expectations or, on the other hand, when someone wants to send away bad luck. For those who like searching a little further, they will discover that "fereste" is also a fusion name, meaning "guardian angel", "supernatural messenger of divinity" or "supreme protector" in both Persian culture and Aramaic - Babylonian one.

Doamne Fereste's visual identity and package tells a different story every time. The fusion concept found in its products' recipe was transformed into visual representations of the culture it illustrates.

For example, The Aztec edition of the Doamne Fereste mustard cream contains a synthesis of symbols and embellishments found in the Persian culture. On the other hand, The Hindu edition, the first one from the soon to be three series of cream-mustard, represents a summary of both gustatory and visual elements regarding the Hindu culture.

The Doamne Fereste sauce stood its ground telling only the original DFR story, and not relating itself so much about other worlds, but speaking only about the culture of good taste and premium products.


Target Audience

​We targeted all audiences with an appetite for gourmet products, a niche that is emerging in Romania right now. Doamne Fereste is a premium product, one that can speak for anyone old enough to taste the extreme spiciness, and anyone wise enough to understand its story.



Our campaign was a brand awareness one, since Doamne Fereste is only writing its first chapter. We have been running it both in print and social media, and the feedback exceeded our expectations. We were about to find out that Romanians did not lose their famous sense of humor but they also developed the same desire for spicy products that we were experimenting ourselves.

But the most important achievement we had was people talking about Doamne Fereste. Taking our jokes a step further, sharing our posts, telling other people about us. Less than two weeks after we started our communication campaign, re-sellers started contacting Doamne Fereste and a small but promising distribution chain was born within days.



Sfantul Gheorghe

Ambasada Oficiala


Project title: Doamne Fereste
Brand: Doamne Fereste
Client: Argo Strategy



Agentie: Argo

Ioan Dan Niculescu / Creative Director
Lucian Lupu / Art Director
Sebastian Tiplea / Art Director
Alina Ioana Petrea / Project Manager


Premii obtinute la Premiile FIBRA #1:

Bronze FIBRA - Doamne Fereste / 3.4 PRINT - Packaging

Shortlist FIBRA - Doamne Fereste / 3.5 PRINT - Brand Identity

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