[Premiile FIBRA #1] Bronze FIBRA - Publicis - Alternative Manual / Dacia / Dacia

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Bronze FIBRA - Publicis - Alternative Manual / Dacia / Dacia

Campaign Summary


Romania's carmaker Dacia is a well-established supporter of literature and reading, as main sponsor of Gaudeamus, the most important book fair in the country. But Dacia also publishes a book almost nobody ever reads. The car owner's manual.


To get people to finally take the time to learn more about their cars, Dacia launched the "Alternative Manual ". The first owner's manual that makes useful car information fun for the reader.


A team of writers and designers reinvented the standard textbook as a mix of poetry, prose, and illustrations. Creating a handbook that still covers all the essential chapters like "Keys", "Children's Security" or "Seatbelts", but finally makes them a captivating read. The Alternative Manual presents the standard car content, but in a a variety of literary genres, spanning from science-fiction to Russian drama and modern poetry, and illustrated accordingly.


120k people reached at the book fair.

357k earned media

3.2 million impressions.

Trend Hunter: "Artful Car Manuals!"

TEDx "The Manual Drivers Might Actually Read"

Adweek: "A Beautiful Work of Prose, Poetry and Art"

Business Insider "Avant-Gardey"

Digital Trends: Sorry, James May!




Project title: Alternative Manual 
Brand: Dacia 
Client: Dacia



Agentie: Publicis

Jorg Riommi / Chief Creative Officer
Dan Frinculescu / Creative Director
Mihai Costache / Copywriter
Adrian Iota / Art Director
Catalin Albu / Client Service Director
Clarisa Rosu / Account Director
Gabriel Macovei / Account Manager
Raluca Iacob / Head of Strategy
Eleodor Ghenoiu / Senior Strategic Planner
Eugen Alexe / Production Manager


Premii obtinute la Premiile FIBRA #1:

Bronze FIBRA - Alternative Manual / 3.3 PRINT - Publications and Brand Collateral

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