[Premiile FIBRA #1] Bronze FIBRA - Publicis - Back Home Screens / OPPO / OPPO

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Bronze FIBRA - Publicis - Back Home Screens / OPPO / OPPO

It has been reported that over 200.000 children go missing in China every year. Only 0.1% are found. This serious social issue gets very little publicity.

On the other hand, OPPO, one of the biggest smartphone brands in China, invests heavily in advertising, with a media budget of 150 over million $.


Campaign Summary

How could OPPO put their resource (advertising, stores) in the hands of the consumers for them to get involved in helping missing children in China?

Insight: In the telecom segment, a large majority of ads push smartphone offers showing the device. We noticed that in advertising all phone home screens are used only for decorative purposes.

The devices appear in press and outdoor materials with the screens covered in colorful graphical wallpapers that could be put to a better use.

Creative idea: BACK HOME SCREENS. Together with the "Baby Back Home" NGO, on June 1st International Children's Day, OPPO donated all mobile phone screens from its print and outdoor advertising to display pictures of missing children.

In store, we changed the real devices' home screens with missing children pictures.
People could scan a QR Code to donate their phone home screens, establishing a direct link to the organization's official WeChat account and a hotline number to offer relevant info.



Without any additional costs, repurposing its large media network, OPPO brought huge publicity to the cause of missing children and receive valuable information on missing children with:

15.000 calls to the hotline on June 1st

600,000 QR code WeChat Shares on June 1st

1,000,000 USD worth repurposed media




Case Study 


Project title: Back Home Screens
Brand: OPPO
Client: OPPO



Agentie: Publicis 

Jorg Riommi / Chief Creative Officer
Silviu Nedelschi / Group Creative Director
Romulus Petcan / Copywriter
Gabriel Gherca / Art Director
Raluca Iacob / Head of Strategy
Sheena Jeng / China Chair & Chief Creative Officer, Publicis China

Agentie contributoare: Publicis Shanghai

Sheena Jeng / China Chair & Chief Creative Officer, Publicis China


Premii obtinute la Premiile FIBRA #1:

Bronze FIBRA - Back Home Screens / 3.2 PRINT - Indoor & In-store

Bronze FIBRA - Back Home Screens / 7.2 MEDIA - Creative Media Mix

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