[Premiile FIBRA #1] Bronze FIBRA - FCB Bucharest - Write for beer / Staropramen / Molsoncoors Romania

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Bronze FIBRA - FCB Bucharest - Write for beer / Staropramen / Molsoncoors Romania

Addressing an audience a little more sophisticated, Staropramen speaks to people who spend their time enjoying quality experiences such as theatre, jazz music, fine cinema and literature.

That is why this summer we've thrown at them the biggest challenge an aspiring artist could face: the blank page.


Campaign Summary

To do that, we've combined a real typewriter with a draft machine. Here comes Tapwriter, the world's first type-controlled draft. We've presented The Tapwriter at the biggest book fair in Romania, where writing enthusiasts were most likely to be found: BookFest.

One by one the blank pages were filled with stories and poems as people shared theirs in the hundreds. All the writings were gathered as Staropramen decided to give the honors to their authors: they become beer literature printed on beer coasters and introduced with each beer ordered henceforth.

On top of that, thanks to the Tapwriter, the number of daily people who visited the Staropramen lounge increased, as well as the time they spent at our pavillion. While some drink to write, Staro proved that doing it the other way around is more productive and fun.


Target Audience

Literature aficionados who appreciate a good beer as well as an experience worth writing about.



One by one the blank pages were filled with stories and poems as people shared theirs in the hundreds. All the writings were gathered as Staropramen decided to give the honors to their authors: they become beer literature printed on beer coasters and introduced with each beer ordered henceforth.

On top of that, thanks to the Tapwriter, the number of daily people who visited the Staropramen lounge increased, as well as the time they spent at our pavillion. While some drink to write, Staro proved that doing it the other way around is more productive and fun.


Case Study 


Project title: Write for beer
Brand: Staropramen
Client: Molsoncoors Romania



Agentie: FCB Bucharest

Emanuel Borcescu / Art Director
Alex Tigoianu / Copywriter
Oana Mita / Account Manager
Diana Minculescu / Account Manager
Marian Enache / Producer


Premii obtinute la Premiile FIBRA #1:

Bronze FIBRA - Write for beer / 11.2 PROMO & ACTIVATION - Shopper Experience

Shortlist FIBRA - Write for beer / 11.1 PROMO & ACTIVATION - Brand Activation

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