[Premiile FIBRA #1] Bronze FIBRA - Publicis - Edenia. I know what I eat / Edenia / Macromex

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Bronze FIBRA - Publicis - Edenia. I know what I eat / Edenia / Macromex

Campaign Summary

Edenia products are selected from the best places and no matter how far they are coming from, their nutrients are perfect kept and they get intact to the clients. And this is possible only because Edenia products are frozen. From the moment the products are frozen, practically time stops for them.

Being frozen becomes the main benefit - it is the only way consumer can have best products directly from the source.



Edenia. I know what I eat - Fish

Edenia. I know what I eat - Lasagna

Edenia. I know what I eat - Peas 


Project title: Edenia. I know what I eat
Brand: Edenia
Client: Macromex



Agentie: Publicis 

Jorg Riommi / Chief Creative Officer
Mihnea Gheorghiu / Group Creative Director
Otilia Coman / Senior Copywriter
Irina Stoleru / Senior Art Director
Alexandra Murray / Client Service Director
Corina Tudor / Account Director
Petronela Cosa / Account Manager
Camelia Efrimov / Senior AV Producer
Elis Iaia Senior / Strategic Planner


Premii obtinute la Premiile FIBRA #1:

Bronze FIBRA - Edenia. I know what I eat / 1.1 VIDEO - TV/ Cinema

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