[Premiile FIBRA #1] Silver FIBRA - Publicis - Street View Test - Automobil Club Roman - Automobil Club Roman

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Silver FIBRA - Publicis - Street View Test - Automobil Club Roman - Automobil Club Roman

In Romania, only 7% of driving school students get their driving license at first attempt. The majority of them have troubles passing the theory exam.

One of the causes is the obsolete learning method, based on illustrated tests, almost a century old, and disconnected from the way the digital generation studies.


Campaign Summary


The Automobile Club of Romania, the oldest driving school in the country, wanted to win back their main target: people aged 18 - 25, digital oriented, who perceived the Automobile Club's school as obsolete and "state-owned". Thus, they were choosing newer schools on the market instead.

The goals was a 10% increase in student sign-ups for the driving school and an image boost in the eyes of young student prospects and public opinion.



We invented a way to update the traditional driving school method for the digital generation, making it more engaging and effective. Street View Test is the first digital driving school method that uses real life Google Street View traffic situations.

All the situations are handpicked by ACR instructors and turned into driving school questionnaires, and presented in the official exam format. Unlike the traditional illustrated method, with Street View Test students can practice traffic theory from a drivers' point of view and, most importantly, directly on the city streets they're going to drive on. 



Using Google Street View as a resource, we made driving school practice engaging for young audience, bringing it to the digital environment they are familiar with. Being the first radical change in the traffic studying method in the last century, we knew the idea would get the press and social media buzz it needed, organically.

We also had the insight hat experienced drivers know many different, complicated traffic situations around the cities. So we invited them to flag those situations on the Google Street View plug-in on our website. The response was great, mainly because there is a silent competition on who masters the city streets better as a driver. Plus, most of the drivers wanted to take part of the new form of driving school proposed by ACR.



We started the platform with 800 questions and, right from the launch, we activated experienced drivers to help us identify more relevant places. A section of the website allows them to flag relevant Google Street View traffic situations and submit them to us, in order to turn the most relevant ones into new test questions.


Target Audience

Student prospects aged 18 - 25, urban, heavy internet users and digital-oriented, who perceived the Automobile Club's school as obsolete. Secondary target: current driving school students.

18 to 25 year old, urban people, heavy internet and social users.



- 6.000.000 people were reached.
- 35% increase in ACR driving school student signups.
- Students are practicing traffic education on "Street View Test" across the entire ACR driving school national network.
- First attempt graduation rate raised by 50%.
- Over 130k tests solved
- 8:26 average minutes spent on the website

The method is being implemented across Europe together with the International Automobile Federation, European Google support and national Auto Clubs -- currently active in Romania and in beta stage in The Czech Republic and Latvia.

In lobby to be officially recognized by the Romanian Police. Thanks to being picked up by prime time news, Street View Test was the most talked about initiative in Romania, in 2015.

The media and interviewed students declared the method "Better, more relevant than the one used by the Romanian Police.




Case Study


Project title: Street View Test
Brand: Automobil Club Roman
Client: Automobil Club Roman



Agentie: Publicis

Jorg Riommi / Chief Creative Officer
Dan Frinculescu / Creative Director/Copywriter
Miruna Macri / Art Director
Ada Musat / Copywriter
Calin Buzea / Head of Digital
Tiberiu Bucovei / Web Developer
Constantin Bunica / Web Developer
Cezar Paraschiv /Digital Planner
Alexandra Murray / Client Service Director
Oana Popescu / Account Manager


Premii obtinute la Premiile FIBRA #1:

Silver FIBRA - Street View Test - 4.6 CRAFT - Best Use of Technology

Silver FIBRA - Street View Test - 5.1 DIGITAL - Web

Bronze FIBRA - Street View Test - 7.1 MEDIA - Creative Use of Media 

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