[Premiile FIBRA #1] Silver FIBRA - GMP Group - The Reconquered Stadium / Romanian Football Federation / Romanian Football Federation

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Silver FIBRA - GMP Group - The Reconquered Stadium / Romanian Football Federation / Romanian Football Federation

Romania's national football team risked missing yet another European tournament. Its last home game would be decisive for the qualification. But supporters were disappointed with the team, so fan turn-out was expected to be the lowest.

Three weeks before the game, bad turned to worse as UEFA suspended our home stadium. It meant that the team would have to play without supporters.

The Romanian Football Federation needed to do something to engage fans and bring them closer to the team, so they can empower the players before the crucial match.


Campaign Summary

We found a solution to bring fans together and near the team. So, as we couldn't access the real stadium, we built a brand new one. A virtual one. And set out to fill it up in the week left till the game.

We created a as-real-as-possible situation of getting a ticket to the match: by changing a bit the functionalities of the official e-ticketing platform for the National Team matches, people could get unique virtual tickets (no cost implied), just like to a match they could attend.

As we wanted people to engage and talk about the tickets, each ticket was available on a unique link so it could it be shared in social media. More, each ticket contained a special feature through which a friend of the sharer could get a virtual ticket next to him.

We created a as-real-as-possible situation of getting a ticket to the match: by changing a bit the functionalities of the official e-ticketing platform for the National Team matches, people could get unique virtual tickets (no cost implied), just like to a match they could attend.

As we wanted people to engage and talk about the tickets, each ticket was available on a unique link so it could it be shared in social media. More, each ticket contained a special feature through which a friend of the sharer could get a virtual ticket next to him.



10.000 virtual tickets acquired in 48 hours;

The campaign had over 400 mentions in press, radio, TV and online;

A total reach of 7 million people (30% of Romanian population);

10 million impressions for The Football Federation Facebook pages;

We set a new home attendance record for a match of the National Team: 54.364 fans;

Romania qualified for EURO 2016.




Case Study


Project title: The Reconquered Stadium
Brand: Romanian Football Federation
Client: Romanian Football Federation



Agentie: GMP Group

Mihai Gongu / Creative Director
Olivia Basag / Creative Director
Romulus Petcan / Senior Copywriter
Gabriel Gherca / Senior Art Director
Razvan Raicu / Senior Art Director
Andreea Nemens / General Manager
Catrinel Manolescu / Group Account Director
Irina Angelescu / Account Manager
Adrian Radu / AV Producer
Bogdan Stanciu / Head of Design
Vali Nastase / Graphic Designer
Andrei Nedea / Graphic Designer

Agentie de digital: Webstyler

Bogdan Nitu / Head of Digital Strategy
Razvan Stanga / Senior Back End Developer
Stefan Georgescu / Jr. Digital Strategist
Carmen Marinescu / Digital Project Manager
Elena Ciric / Social Media Manager
Dan Neciu / Front End Developer
Ionut Raicu / Jr.Graphic Designer

Agentie de PR: GMP PR

Ana Maria Diceanu / Senior Partner & Head of Crisis
Catalina Seitan / PR Director
Daniel Timofte / BTL Director
Catalin Ionita / Senior Account Executive


Premii obtinute la Premiile FIBRA #1:

Silver FIBRA / The Reconquered Stadium / 10.1 PR - Corporate Communications

Bronze FIBRA / The Reconquered Stadium / 11.1 PROMO & ACTIVATION - Brand Activation

Bronze FIBRA / The Reconquered Stadium / 5.5 DIGITAL - Social Media

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