[Premiile FIBRA #1] Gold FIBRA - Jazz Communication - A voice for songbirds #saveoursongbirds / SOR (Romanian Ornithological Society) / SOR

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Gold FIBRA - Jazz Communication - A voice for songbirds #saveoursongbirds / SOR (Romanian Ornithological Society) / SOR

In March 2015, the Romanian Parliament prepared a new hunting law allowing hunters to kill more species of wild life, where they wanted on the territory of our country. The law allowed a barbaric massacre among songbirds. The most endangered species due to this new law: the lark, our national music symbol that has been inspiring generations of composers and singers.The Parliament Committee that has been working on this new law was constantly refusing to meet members of the Romanian Ornithological Society to negotiate the law.


Campaign Summary

Together with the Romanian Ornithologists Society we decided to get our place at the negotiation table. The only way was to put some public pressure on the politicians who were trying to pass the law without much public awareness or debate. Our job was to make the unaware Romanians know about and react to this subject. We had to give civilians a strong voice to fight barbarians and change the abusive Hunting Law. With 0 budget.

We enrolle on behalf of the birds a strong voice: the voice of the most promising Romanian opera singer, mezzo-soprano Andreea Ilie.Together with her we launched a shocking movie in which she was shot on the stage, by two hunters, while trilling her area just like a songbird.
People revolted. The video raised debates online and offline.

The video was broadcasted few days after by the prime news in Romania. It redirected people to the website salveazaciocarlia.ro (savethelark.ro), where we placed all the info about the changes in the Hunting Law, downloadable endangered bird songs and the petition against the law.

To keep social media alive, we created the TRILLFIE (TRILL +SELFIE). Under the #Trillfie, our opera singer launched a challenge to other artists to donate and share pieces of their songs, inspired by the songbirds. The Trillfie of various artists were broadcasted live on TV and on radio where MCs donated songbirds like whistles.

Artists and media people invited Romanians to protest against the law and politicians to change it quickly.


Target Audience

Our core target were the politicians, the members of the Parliament Committee that was in charge of the Hunting Law.

Our end target were the politicians, the members of the Parliament Committee that was in charge of the Hunting Law.
But we got their attention by addressing a reactive, young, militant population who strengthens its voice in Romania. A population who takes a stand and acts, who changed the presidential elections' outcome by revolting through massive protests against the toxic gold mines in 2013 as well as other injustices.



Under the public pressure, politicians had to negotiate with the Romanian Ornithological Society. The Hunting Law CHANGED. Now, it protects songbirds. The lark, our national music symbol is saved from extinction. 9 other species of birds are now protected.

In 30 days of campaign, 7 million Romanian adults (out of 15 million) were reached.

1.8 online impressions

Over 700.000 Euro earned media


Case Study


Project Title: A voice for songbirds #saveoursongbirds
Brand: SOR (Romanian Ornithological Society)
Client: SOR (Romanian Ornithological Society)



Agentie: Jazz Communication

Valentin Suciu / Director and Creative Partner
Andreea Ghenoiu / Group Creative Director and Copywriter
Raluca Matei / Senior Art Director
Irina Pencea / Strategy and Client Service
Mario Niculae / Designer and Typo

Casa de productie: Factor Film

Tino Furtuna / Manager

Agentie de PR: Rogalski Damaschin

Dorian Ilie / Consumer Communication Director


Premii obtinute la Premiile FIBRA #1:

Gold FIBRA / A voice for songbirds #saveoursongbirds / 9 NON-PROFIT

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Rogalski Damaschin

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