[Premiile FIBRA #1] Gold FIBRA - Cohn & Jansen JWT - Back Home / Back Home / Cohn & Jansen JWT

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Gold FIBRA - Cohn & Jansen JWT - Back Home / Back Home / Cohn & Jansen JWT

Campaign Summary

Other than his cronies, scarcely anyone believes that Robert is a prosperous Bucharest writer who left ten years ago and has come back, no one knows why, to seek refuge in the house he was born in. But one glass follows another and as the grog loosens tongues, the horrid truth emerges...

An existentialist crisis that's both funny and sad.

The execution:

The set for this story is the Romanian village, which is known for its humor. We consider that the naive painting is a good plastic expression of this type of humor. It also express the sincere love that the movie uses to portrait this place.




Project Title: Back Home
Brand: Back Home
Client: Cohn and Jansen JWT



Agentie: Cohn and Jansen JWT 

Andrei Cohn / Art Director
Vali Petridean / Illustrator


Premii obtinute la Premiile FIBRA #1:

Gold FIBRA / Back Home / 4.1 CRAFT - Best Art Direction

Gold FIBRA / Back Home / 4.2 CRAFT - Best Illustration

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