[Premiile FIBRA #1] Gold FIBRA / Cohn & Jansen JWT - Purity Test / Aqua Carpatica / Valvis Holding

[Premiile FIBRA #1] Gold FIBRA / Cohn & Jansen JWT - Purity Test / Aqua Carpatica / Valvis Holding

Aqua Carpatica, launched in a well-established market a premium product, was the most expensive local water (20% more expensive than Borsec -- price/liter -- Source: Client data, 2011) with the lowest distribution: present in 20% of the traditional trade locations while Borsec covered 86%, Dorna 72% and Izvorul Minunilor 59% (Source: Instore Power Provider data - January 2011 Study) in a market with over 27 water brands (source: AC Nielsen January 2012)

In 2013 Dorna Izvorul Alb shifted its communication from nature as a source of purity to caring for children, with its CSR campaign supporting the cause of pre-mature children. Without the basis of a product RTB such as nitrate content, the topic in category moved from facts to emotions.

In 2012, Aqua Carpatica fought for the introduction of the nitrate concentration of every water bottle in Romania. In order to truly become an iconic brand, it needed to move beyond category conventions and tackle an even greater cause.

This cause involved not only the bottled water producers, but EVERY water source, as Romanians rely heavily on faucet water or even water from springs or wells, for the rural areas.

On one hand, mass media was filled with cases of water pollution, discovered once the springs or well waters were tested in laboratories. Romania was the number 1 country in EU on nitrate contaminated water, with hundreds of intoxication cases each year. (Source: mass media, 2013) On the other hand, some consumers remained either unaware of the dangers of nitrate water, either deaf to danger, preferring to continue drinking from the same water source and to believe that nitrates were just a marketing ploy. (Source: Zelist Organic Mentions Monitoring for Aqua Carpatica, 2013)


Campaign Summary


The Purity Test, a little paper strip, which brought the water-testing laboratory within everyone's reach.

We knew that especially for Romanians, seeing meant believing, and therefore we brought the laboratory within everyone's reach. We created the Water Purity Test, a paper strip which empowered consumers to check the nitrate concentration of the water they drink, by dipping the test in water.

To better leverage the idea, the campaign worked within 3 main touch points

#1 TV
The TVC campaign worked as a trigger in making people aware of the Nitrates presence in their life. The TV ads - "The Snail", "The Bridge" and "The Ducks" -- targeted ignorance about water quality by sneaking the word nitrates into classic. Romanian children songs about water. By placing together the innocence of a child's play and the existence of an invisible threat, such as nitrates, the TVCs had surprise and shock value

600.000 tests were made available to consumers through sampling events in retail chains, within national events or as magazine inserts. Together with the test, a booklet entitled "Do you know what you're drinking?" provided further information on proper hydration.

Through the online activation mechanic (with dual destination: both in Facebook and website at www.testulpuritatii.ro), we encouraged users to take the cause even further and make it their own: after testing the water they drank -- whether lake water, tap or spring water - they could upload their results and share them with the other users

This way, we leveraged the power of the community. On Facebook, Aqua Carpatica had a community of hundreds of thousands of fans -- with active and involved members (Source: Facebrands)

We needed to channel this community's energy under a common goal animated by a civic duty. Not just the ones who took the test should have access to information. Aqua Carpatica wanted EVERYONE to make sure the water they drank was pure.

HOW? Through the power of SHARING. Without any incentive other than helping the local community, users shared the nitrate concentrations on the Purity Test map, together with photos and comments.

TV Stars, actors, journalists, athletes and bloggers quickly joined the conversation, posting the test results as the best possible testimonials.


Target Audience

Health-conscious parents: those who care about the Nitrate concentration of the water that they and their children drink. But also the non-conscious: those who don't know the dangers of drinking water with high level of nitrates, or who don't consider the threat to be real.

We addressed those who drink bottled water, but also those who drink water from the faucet or from the nearest well or spring. Those who live in big cities, where they can find 10 different types of bottle water in stores, but also those who live in small villages.



In 2014, Aqua Carpatica grew by 44% in Value Sales and by 40% in Volume Sales, surpassing the 30% initial objective by an extra +14%, respectively, +10%. (Source: ProConcept client data, 2013-2014) The volume and value sales during the Purity Test campaign were more than DOUBLE vs. the sales during the Water Law campaign. (Source: ProConcept, 2.4 X Value Sales, 2.2 X Voume Sales, 2014 vs. 2012)

Proof that Aqua Carpatica became a brand which surpassed its category rules, was its Facebook community of over 1 million fans reached during the Purity Test campaign.

A number which surpassed that of any other FMCG brand, including historically iconic brands like Coca Cola, Pepsi or Heineken. (Source: Facebrands, Food& Drinks, July 2014)

It was one of the most engaged brand communities on Facebook, constantly in Top 5 in terms of comments, likes and shares. (Source: Facebrands, Food&Drinks, 2014)

More than 120 blogs joined the campaign.

There were over 660 organic mentions in the press, Facebook, Twitter and blogs for a total unpaid viewership of 3,141,366. (Source: Zelist Monitoring, May-July 2014)



In only two months of the campaign, the website reached an incredible traffic: over 100.000 unique users accessed Testul Puritatii (Source: Google Analytics, May-July 2014). Despite the fact that there was no prize involved and that the tests were not free, over 1600 tap waters, 127 rivers and lakes, plus 687 wells were tested and the results uploaded.

Aqua Carpatica also won one of the most important distinctions for a brand: the Superbrand award. (Source: Superbrands Romania, 2014). Forbes Romania declared Aqua Carpatica the coolest mineral water brand for the 3rd year in a row. (Source: Forbes Romania, Top 100 Cool Brands, '14).



Case Study


Project Title: Purity Test
Brand: Aqua Carpatica
Client: Valvis Holding


Agentie: Cohn & Jansen JWT

Alex Negoescu / Deputy Creative Director
Andrei Cohn / Creative Director & Managing Partner
Arina Stoenica / Account Director
Ina Simion / Client Service Director
Ruxandra Savulescu / Client Service Director
Monica Radulescu / Head Of Digital & Strategic Planner
Raluca Iacob / Senior Strategic Planner
Raluca Diaconu / Online Project Manager
Cosmin Nicola / Senior Web Designer
Oana McGinley / Account Executive

Casa de productie: Multimediat EST

Andreea Paduraru / Director
Dragos Vilcu / Producer
Adrian Smeu / Productin Manager
Vlad Gheorghiu / Composer
Andu Radu / Video Editor

Agentie de media: The Group

Catalina Chiriacescu / Head of Digital
Mariana Mihai / Media Executive
Crina Bibicu / Media Director
Dan Balotescu / Managing Partner


Premii obtinute la Premiile FIBRA #1:

Campania Anului / Purity Test / Cohn & Jansen JWT 


Gold FIBRA / Purity Test / 11.1 PROMO & ACTIVATION - Brand Activation

Gold FIBRA / Purity Test / 13.2 DIRECT MARKETING - Use of New Media for Direct Marketing

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