[FIBRA Jury] Karpat Polat: My first ad copy was for the owner of the advertising agency I worked at. He wanted to sell his car

[FIBRA Jury] Karpat Polat: My first ad copy was for the owner of the advertising agency I worked at. He wanted to sell his car

The end of this story is, of course, that Karpat Polat helped sell his boss' car with a higher price than the one listed. And knowing what Karpat has done for the Turkish advertising industry, it's more than likely your eyes will refuse to roll at this conclusion.

Karpat Polat's advertising path begins in his early teens, with a Mac he received as a present from his father. Which he didn't use for video games, instead he tackled poster and logo design. 

Fast forward a few decades and Karpat is putting Turkey on the international creativity map, while building young creative agencies towards reaching festival glory. After DDB&Co., an agency he took over from its first year of existence (from 2006 to 2013), his most recent effort is his own independent agency, KARPAT, which he'll tell us more about below.

It won't be long now before Karpat arrives to Bucharest. Between the 3rd and the 6th of May, he'll be plunging into Romanian advertising work as part of the FIBRA Awards Jury. So get your spirits up - and your cases submitted.

Versiunea in limba romana a interviului te asteapta aici, iar cateva dintre cele mai cunoscute campanii semnate Karpat Polat, aici.


Advertising: a matter of circumstance or an ambition?

When I was 14, my father gave me a Mac as a present.  I made use of my Mac by designing logos and posters, while all my peers were out there playing computer games. Creativity was within me and my father's visionary present provided the stepping-stone. 


Ads that left a mark on you

It was the Benetton ads that left an imprint on me when I was a child. And, as an adult, Nike commercials.

Benetton (1984)

Culorile lumii - Benetton (1984)

Benetton 1989


The story of your first ad project ever

The first ad copy I was commissioned was for the owner of the advertising agency I was hired at. He wanted to sell his car and I was given the task of writing the newspaper ad for it. Eventually, the car was sold for a higher price than it was listed and I started receiving more writing assignments.


KARPAT: the decision, the process

KARPAT is the result of natural progression. I was involved in two advertising agency start-ups previous to KARPAT.  Both agencies began from scratch and are currently placed among the top 10 in Turkey. KARPAT is the current continuum of the quest to be independently creative.

I sold off my shares in my previous agency (DDB&Co. - Ed.) on 17th of July and on the 18th, a client called me. I told them that I had left the agency, but they insisted to work with me regardless.

So KARPAT the agency was formed earlier than planned with no office, no desks, and no people. We set up shop at my flat and I had to drag the team off the pool to work.

Our objective at KARPAT is to be an "Independent Global Creative Hub." I strongly believe independence is key to creativity. 


KARPAT: biggest project yet

The"'Koka Kola" campaign for Coca-Cola's 50th year celebrations in Turkey has to be the most groundbreaking project yet.

We built our campaign over the untranslatable Turkish proverbs that reflect the optimism of Turkish culture and then celebrated this trait by writing "Coca Cola" phonetically in Turkish as 'Koka Kola' on the product.

Our campaign became Coca Cola's most successful campaign in Turkey. It ranked the highest among all their ads, emotionally linking the consumer to the brand. The TVC became a trending topic just after 5 minutes it was aired.


The award you hold highest in your list

Among the awards I received, there are two that I hold very dear. One is Turkey's first Cannes Lion, for Turkiye Is Bankasi - "Police car". It opened the door of possibilities for all the creative ad people and agencies in Turkey.

The second is again in Cannes, our agency was ranked among the best agencies of the year (DDB&Co., in 2009 - Ed.), a first for any agency in Turkey.


Ad festivals

Festivals are what let us distinguish between a wallpaper and a masterpiece. In my opinion, they will always be relevant. 

Creativity is a passion. And the festivals are the best showcases. You are by yourself and have a chance to show how great you can be. 


Thoughts on Romanian advertising

I find Romanian advertising brilliantly successful. The ROM chocolate bar campaign was a genius piece of advertising. I see that many more successful world case studies will come from Romania. 


Previous experiences as juror. Your coming to FIBRA Awards

We, the jurors, have the duty to be creatively perceptive to the possibilities of the idea in the creative works. If you are not a creative, you cannot see where the ad will take you and to what ideas it holds the key. At FIBRA, I will be working with creative people that I admire and so I am sure it will be a great creative process.

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