Mirabela vrea sa scriu despre "un copy bun de 140 de caractere". Caracterul meu, insa, nu se simte reprezentat de o teoretizare din cele [prea] des citite aici si aiurea, asa incat cred ca-i mai bine sa va fac un pachetel din twitturile-gandurile care-mi plac mie un pic mai mult decat altele. Majoritatea au placut si altora, pt ca au fost re-twittuite. Restul pe http://twitter.com/sorintranca, unde sper sa nu va plictisesc mai tare decat acum. Sunt in engleza si romana, fiindca am prieteni si-n strainatate :)
Pierdut luminita de la capatul tunelului in zona Publicitate-Marketing, ofer recompensa gasitorului. Rog ceva... nu mai stiu ce.
Another discovery: it's important to learn one thing many ways: if one path fails, we can still remember.
Jmecher, zmantana, jnitzel, zmardoi, mazline, iar mai nou - Cozmote. V-am pupat, noapte buna.
Ne nastem oameni sau animale? Ma intreb si eu, va-ntreb si pe voi...
Trying to find just one good thing in life that is not 1. illegal 2. immoral or/and 3. fattening. Nothing, so far.
What-ifs: instead of looking for a way to dematerialize, in order to travel, we simply rented another body, already present at destination?
"Syllables govern the world" John Selden, 1584-1654. Good night, people.
Benzinariile Agip sunt linistite. Omv, galagioase. Mol, obscure - spre clarobscure. La Agip, deci, e linistea sufleteasca. Amin.
My heart the dirty rat comes out at night again making noises, waking up people, eating from garbage cans.
Character is when you feel as much pain as I do now and still manage to hate Celine Dion.
Oarecum de ziua mea, am primit antibiotice. Dragutz.
Prefer sa deranjez cu adevarul, decat sa fac pe plac cu lingusiri. Seneca
#carteameapreferata este, azi, o revista. Adica @decatorevista
Uneori #carteameapreferata e unii oameni care-mi plac, precum @MonicaJitariuc
Let me love all of you out there that are not the center of the Universe today.
People are creatures of habit. If you have losing habits, you will lose you.
So, God, tell me the truth... You gave us love because you were much too bored, right?
#deurmarit cum creativitatea, daca nu ne va omori, ne va aduce fericire si bucurie
Deci noi nu prea intelegem ce-a vrut Dl. Garcia cu Romania Libera, ne poate esplica cineva mai destept?
Deci da, Anne, cred ca tristetea e o forma de igiena
Nu-mi plac romanii care critica Romania, romanismul, deci acum nu-mi place de mine: suspectez ca nu vom putea niciodata pricepe congregarea
I was very curious about curiosity and found this which now makes me even more curious, how curious... http://bit.ly/bRtfW2
I'm not really interested in your success timeline. In your CV, show me what you've learned. Speak to me about failure.
"A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often simply serves as something to aim at" Bruce Lee is smaaart
Asa ca cine n-a vazut Inglorious Basterds, sa faca bine sa-l vada http://bit.ly/bqniBi
Sa-mi explice cineva cuplul de fortze care ii face pe saritorii astia la trambulina sa pluteasca asa, ca altfel dau in delir metafizic
From the never-to-be-published Guide for Creative Soldiers: if you get a complicated brief, make sure the deadline is one day before divorce
Today, I will encourage mistakes.
Sa nu uitam ca drumul catre kimonoul de gala e plin de tricouri jegoase. Rusinos e, deci, sa nu te murdaresti.
Feriti-va de @btholteanu. Creca e mai tare ca chuck norris. Pe geru asta trecea lejer prin pta victoriei cu geaca desfacuta, capu gol etc
One of the biggest mistakes I keep doing is to take people for what they could be, instead of what they are.
La inceputul anului, oamenii au ritmuri diferite. Ieri, discutii cu 6-7 oameni, fiecare cu timp diferit de expunere, extrem de solicitant.
Sa ne cunoastem mai bine. Numele meu e Sorin Tranca si tocmai m-am ratacit in Slatina.
I have never seen truly creative people that don't listen
#unbarbatadevarat stie ca in poseta unei femei se afla adevarul, dar ii respecta alegerea de a-l tine incuiat acolo
Dipsomania, noun. An insatiable, periodic craving for alcohol.
Egali in fata impredictibilitatii. Fara libertate de miscare. Sub masca unui tip jovial, aduce dictatura cuminteniei. Iarna e comunista.
Perhaps you've heard of Hemingway's 6 word-story principle. Remember his example? Beautiful. For sale: baby shoes, never used.
And once again, style is as limited as a language. You wanna talk or be heard?
Tocmai am semnat Fisa de Instruire Individuala Privind Securitatea si Sanatatea in Munca. Nimic despre nervi in ea, doar despre incendii
"That's what emotions are; a yellow highlighter pen in your brain", zice unu Greg la un moment dat
What we live is what we feel. What we feel is what we create. What we create is what we are. What we are is what other people live.
HOW YOU LIVE CHANGES YOUR BRAIN. If you don't believe me, don't even try to do anything about it, please.
De 10 ori cred c-am citit txtul asta al lui Milton Glaser si tot nu ma satur. Batranul e un mare destept... http://bit.ly/z4aC
Arthur Koestler's premise on the creative process is "bisociation": to join unrelated, often conflictual information in a new way
Koestler explains "bisociation" as "double-mindedness" or an ability to think on more than one plane of thought simultaneously
Uite ce matematica stia Bismarck: "Ca sa cunosti adevarata valoare a unui om, sa scazi din facultatile sale vanitatea si sa vezi ce ramane"
"I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me" W Allen, who else?
Creativity is by definition practical. If you don't believe me, stop the engine of your car and push to work today :)
Dragi investitori, ideea de business de azi e un salon de shaorma. Shaorma de somon, sosuri albe, ambalaje cu monograma la minut
In seara asta, masinile mici din Bucuresti sunt conduse de femei cu nasul ascutit
And one more thing: we could never have enough Wittgenstein in our way to look at what we are
What can be said at all can be said clearly; and whereof one cannot speak thereof one must be silent. L. Wittgenstein
Abraham Maslow divides creativity in 3 categories: primary creativity, secondary creativity, integrated creativity
What's wrong my, dear? Do you love hate or just hate love?
Astept un telefon pe fix. Ceea ce n-am mai facut de prin 2000? Misto sentimentul.
Ethics is not a new jacket, asshole. But the very skin you put under a shirt which you wear under a sweater worn under a new fucking jacket
Cica nu te-neci pt ca ai cazut in apa, ci pt ca ai ramas sub apa. Hmm.
Oare am mai spus ca visul vietii mele e sa mananc o shaorma la dristor cu David Bowie? Va rog sa ma ajutati. Scriu si in engleza dc trebuie
The more often we repeat an event (either actually or cognitively), the stronger those synapses become.
Iar eu, daca tot ma intrebati, l-as propune premier pe Keith Richards.
Have you noticed we get better by trying? I hope you did. So if you did, stop saying "it won't work", because only then it won't.
Ernest Hemingway famously defined courage as "grace under pressure".
Eu sunt un pic ingrijorat. A cazut guvernul. O fi din cauza mea si a ceea ce am scris aici? http://bit.ly/CUPwU
Ordinea cuvintelor este subiect - predicat - complement, dar aceasta ordine poate fi usor schimbata.
Se scriu cu litera mare toate cuvintele, substantive proprii, cu exceptia prepozitiilor, conjunctiilor, articolelor: student la Politehnica
Nu se pune virgula intre subiect si predicat
Oare cate nopti albe mai are anul asta
I want more music in my face in my ears in my guts in my soul
"I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen" Ernest Hemingway
If it's true that people react to change rather negatively, it follows that an efficient government will do as little as possible. Wow.
I now know that music does not come from people. People, with their instruments, are just instruments.
If my head visualizes a road entirely, my body will easily find the way to destination. It is precisely so that organisations function.
For all of those predicting things up and down. Can any of you predict the present, please? Thank you.
My Forrest-Gumpish thought of the day. Yes, life is like a box of chocolate: you start by drooling, then you settle for peanuts.
Are cineva 60.000 bilete la concertul Madonna? Mersi.
It seems that the way of the Samurai, in these Dark economical Ages, is to act Medieval on ethical dilemmas.
At a closer look, it seems we owe the unknown pretty much everything. We should be friends with the unknown, really.
Imagination is a drug I keep smuggling from The Above Republic.